Import Control in the UAE

Al Armouti Publications

Apr 30, 2021

Under UAE law, imports may be denied entry to the UAE market on the grounds of public safety, public health, environment, natural resources, and national security or for reasons related to the UAE foreign policy. The main law on import control is Law No. 13 of 2007 regarding Commodities Subject to Import and Export Control Procedures, as amended.

Cabinet Decree No. 299/3 of 2009 established the Committee for Goods and Material Subject to Import and Export Control. The Executive Office of the Committee is responsible for issuing import permits for goods on the list of strategic commodities, while the importers must be licensed by the concerned government agency to practice an activity relating to the import of such materials.  

Also, imports may be subjected to additional customs duties ( beyond bound rates) and quantitative restrictions under the Federal Law No. 1 of 2017 on Anti-Dumping, Countervailing and Safeguards Measures, which regulates domestic industries' protection against either the increase of like imports or the selling of imported products in the UAE market at dumped or subsidized prices. 

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